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Research Studies

You may qualify to participate in one of many ongoing INTERNAL research studies. We are currently gathering empirical data on:

1. The effects of micro nutrients on hemoglobin A1C.

2. The effects of micro nutrients and terpenes on brain health. 

3. The effects of terpenes on pain.

It’s free to apply and there is no obligation. (You may also qualify for free supplements.)

I have Parkinson’s Disease and Myastenia Gravis… I would shake a lot, my speech was difficult, and I was pretty much dragging my right leg. My friends are now saying, ‘You don’t look sick!’ I’m walking 10 to 20 thousand steps 5 days a week now, and I don’t have to concentrate on speaking any more. I’m pleased and my doctor said, “Keep doing whatever you’re doing!”

Queen Murphy

HCSAAA has reports anyone can understand. Request as many free reports as you need. You can even consult with one of our network of Ambassadors if you prefer.

HealthCare Support made simple.

We give you confidence that you are working to make your doctor successful with your health care. Become an ambassador or partner with one here.
Yes, now YOU CAN “help the doctor that is helping you!”

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